Lost at home – Wrights Impact Window & Door

It’s a strange feeling to be lost in your hometown. To be disoriented by the debris-covered streets and the missing landmarks. To not recognize your family’s property because the avocado orchard you grew up playing in is now an open field. After Hurricane Andrew, Zac Wynn rode down to Homestead with his uncle to check on his grandparents. He couldn’t believe the destruction he saw as his uncle tried to navigate the now unfamiliar streets of his hometown.

Thankfully, Zac’s grandparents were okay, and their home made it through relatively unscathed, aside from a portion of its roof being blown off. They felt a heavy loss over the family orchard, but overall, considered themselves lucky and remained positive during the months of recovery.

Zac is a native Floridian, so hurricanes were nothing new to him, but his coworker, John Sabo, had an outsider’s perspective on Hurricane Andrew. At the time, John lived in Pennsylvania and worked in construction. His boss’s mother lived in Homestead, so John’s crew was sent down to help. If the destruction was shocking to Zac, a native Floridian, imagine what it was like for a landlocked northeasterner.

Hurricane Andrew had a lasting effect on both men and helped steer the way to their current careers with Wright’s Impact Windows and Doors. Zac and John work in the ordering and permitting department, along with team members Carol Hammersla and Will Hammeke. Their job is to ensure all orders are up to code with the proper permits.

“People often groan at the mention of permits,” Carol says, “and it can be a difficult process. But it’s our job to ensure it goes as smoothly as possible and, most importantly, that our clients get the right products to protect them in the area they live.”

Unsurprisingly, Monroe County has the Highest standards for hurricane safety. The Florida Building Code requires any home built after 2001 to have impact windows or shutters to withstand winds of 170-200 miles per hour. Many homeowners opt for impact windows since shutters require someone to be present and physically able to close them.

To put those wind speeds in perspective, Hurricane Andrew had 170-180 mph gusts. Wright’s offers impact windows and doors that easily meet these standards, meaning they can withstand the Hurricane Andrew level of destruction that had life-changing effects on Zac, John, and countless other Floridians.

“If the day should ever come that our clients’ homes are hit by a hurricane,” Will explains, “the impact windows and doors provide incredibly strong protection. But these products also provide everyday benefits.”

The team says that hurricane impact windows most notably provide peace of mind. “It’s as if a weight is lifted off our clients’ shoulders, knowing that their families, their homes, and their belongings are now safer,” says John. Many clients also breathe a sigh of relief when insurance premiums and energy bills go down, and home values go up. The thick, strong windows and doors also deter break-ins and greatly reduce outdoor noise pollution from bombarding your home.

“The Keys has some of the highest insurance rates in the country, and in some cases, properties are becoming uninsurable,” Zac explains. “Impact windows and doors can be the answer.”

Every time Zac and his team get a permit cleared, they ring a nautical bell that’s kept in their office. They ring it to celebrate making it through the red tape, but more so, to celebrate that their clients can now move forward with making their homes safer. The Wright’s team can then complete installation, giving their clients peace of mind that the next hurricane won’t leave them feeling lost at home.

To learn more or to get a free estimate, visit WrightsImpactWindowandDoor.com or call (305) 250-2182.

Jerrica Mah is a writer, Army wife, and freelance book editor who loves to travel vicariously through stories.


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