It takes a brave woman to pick up her life and move to another country, and it takes a dreamer to do it with only a paintbrush in hand. Dominga was both, but she wasn’t alone. As an artist, she made an unlikely match with a UN Peacekeeping soldier named Hugo, who traded in his weapon to pursue an artist’s life in the Keys alongside Dominga.
Against all odds, the Haitian artist and the UN soldier succeeded in starting a new life in Key Largo in 1993. Dominga soon brought her children from Haiti, and this is how Dominga’s son, Lorenzo Giles, founder of Innovative Technology Solutions, found himself growing up in the Florida Keys.
At 7, Lorenzo was gifted an old computer and a game code book by his cousin, necessitating him to manually enter codes to play. This repetitive task, despite the computer’s tendency to reset, honed not just his patience but also instilled a robust work ethic, influencing his relentless approach towards challenges and innovation in his tech career.
Alongside, his upbringing in the Keys, surrounded by a consistent circle of peers from Key Largo School to Coral Shores, further cemented his resilience and community values.
He would go to the Salvation Army and buy as many computers as he could, scouring them for parts and rebuilding them. At the age of 16, he had his first experience putting his skills to work when he helped Habitat for Humanity repair a number of broken computers, bringing them back to life.

“Fixing those computers for Habitat for Humanity was the first time I earned money using my love for technology,” Lorenzo says. “I remember thinking, Wow, I could make a living with this.”
After high school, Lorenzo went straight into the tech industry. He got his foot in the door at Reef Radio Electronics, a home automation company in Ocean Reef, and initially worked in the rough infrastructure part of the industry, pulling wire and terminating cables.
Over the next few years, Lorenzo quickly worked his way up, expanding his skill set to include system design, programming, and business development. However, his upward climb was abruptly redirected when he became the victim of a hit-and-run boating accident in 2010.
Despite serious injuries, Lorenzo made a full recovery and, shortly afterward, met his future wife Kati. With a new outlook on life, Lorenzo launched Innovative Technology Solutions in 2012 and has been providing smart home connectivity and lighting solutions ever since.
“Smart home integration is well on its way to becoming a standard design phase for new construction and remodel projects,” Lorenzo explains. “Instead of adding various over-the- counter, plug-in smart devices after the home is built, homeowners, architects, and designers are integrating whole-house smart systems into the initial design.”
That’s where Lorenzo’s company comes in. Innovative Technology Solutions becomes part of the design and build team to elevate people’s dream homes to smart homes.
“Smart home connectivity isn’t about having cool gadgets in your house,” Lorenzo explains. “It’s about supporting your home lifestyle. It’s about automating an atmosphere that optimizes your comfort and entertainment experiences, as well as your day-to-day activities.”
Trying to explain all that a smart home encompasses can be difficult, which is why Innovative Technology Solutions’ website walks you through a day in the life spent in a Smart Home.
Imagine your bedroom shades rising as your favorite song awakens you. Think of increased productivity in your home office with Human-centric lighting and avoiding distractions with front-door monitoring. Picture listening to your favorite podcast as you make dinner under bright kitchen lights, followed by a peacefully lit meal on your patio or a state-of-the- art movie experience in your media room
All at the tap of a button or simply automated. While the various audio and visual smart solutions are impressive, it’s the Lutron Ketra dynamic lighting solutions that surprise people the most.
“Your home lighting system can automatically adjust to match the natural light outdoors as the sun shifts throughout the day. You can also pull colors out of artwork by customizing the pigment ratio within your showcase lighting.”
Such dynamic lighting is best experienced in person at Innovative’s showroom. Located on US 1, at mile marker 95, this unique venue stands out as the sole Lutron Certified Ketra Showroom in the Florida Keys. Here, prospective clients have the opportunity to witness local art dramatically transform under the influence of dynamic lighting.
“Clients are amazed when they watch Taylor Hale’s painting, ‘Day Dream,’ transition from a sunset to a sunrise,” Lorenzo says. “That’s the power of dynamic lighting.”
The interactive showroom also shows other smart solutions in action, improving people’s understanding of smart homes and redefining luxury for Keys homeowners. Working with the local and transient homeowners of the keys has given Lorenzo a new perspective.
“I was humbled the day I realized that most of these homeowners work hard their entire lives to realize their dream of having a home in the Keys. Yet, I was lucky enough to grow up here,” Lorenzo says. “I have also seen firsthand how these homeowners love and invest in our community. So much so that I even owe my life to one of them.”
Several years ago, Lorenzo was diagnosed with late-stage Leukemia. After being hospitalized for 6 weeks, he endured a year of intense required 4 hours of treatment every day for 4 weeks on, then 4 weeks off.
Not long before he began his treatments, the Baptist Health System opened a chemotherapy treatment center at Mariner’s Hospital. Without this local treatment center, Lorenzo would have had to travel back and forth to Miami, weakening his body and his business.
“The Miami Cancer Institutes Infusion Care facility at Mariners Hospital saved my life and my livelihood.”
Lorenzo later learned that one of his close friends and client had advocated for the facility to be brought to the Keys. If it wasn’t for that client’s efforts, Lorenzo could have lost his business, and so much more.
Now, 7 years in remission from APL Leukemia, Lorenzo savors his family time above all else. He and his wife, Kati, have two young children, Luna and Theo, and they all spend much of their free time at his in-laws’ home, which is located only two streets over from their own. Dominga still calls the Keys home for several months of the year and works as a copper artist locally and in New Orleans.
With his family’s support, Lorenzo is able to provide the life he wants for his family by helping others provide the life they want for theirs. He finds purpose in the relationships he forms through his business and appreciates how he gets to know them on a personal level to optimize their home lifestyle.
Whether looking for a specific smart feature or a fully integrated home, Lorenzo and his team pride themselves on customizing the perfect solutions based on their clients’ individual needs and desires.
To schedule an appointment to visit the showroom or to learn more about Innovative Technology Solutions and the services and solutions they offer, visit or call (305) 600-1411.
Photo Credits:
“Family Photo”
Maritza Thibos Photography
“Showroom Photos”
Mary D Griffin Photography
Jerrica Mah is a writer, Army wife, and freelance book editor who loves to travel vicariously through stories.