Keys Life Magazine - Advertorial Contract

Keys Life Magazine Advertorial Contract

Business Information Contact Information
Business Name:

Advertorial Services

Service Quantity Rate Scheduled Months Total
Front Cover  $ $
1 Page Article $ $
2 Page Article $ $
3 Page Article $ $
4 Page Article $ $
Photo Session $   $




Additional Notes:

Article and Front Cover order and contract between “Advertiser/Client” and Keys Life Magazine (KLM) Advertiser/Client Acknowledges: The request for initials is for your benefit only. By signing the bottom of this contract, you agree to all terms and conditions outlined below.

  1. Focus of the Article - The article is a personal story that will also plug the event or business. 70% of the article is about the person behind the business, idea, event, etc., and 30% of the article is about the business, event, etc., that is being promoted.
  2. Content of the Article - A single page article includes room for approximately 600 words and 2 or 3 photos. Each additional page can double the content listed above. All photos in the article are provided by the client. The interview should be completed before the 5th of the previous month the article is scheduled. There is a maximum of 2 people included in an article, and both must be present during the single, scheduled interview. If a second person is included in the article and they require a separate interview, there will be an additional charge of $200.00. Articles will be sent to the client for proofing before being published, so changes can be made.
  3. Cover Photo - The photo that will be used for the cover of Keys Life Magazine is to showcase the people represented in the article. We do not allow logos or business names anywhere on the cover unless it is worn on a piece of clothing (Shirt or Hats). Standing in front of a storefront or vehicle is acceptable, but the primary focus of the cover must be a person or persons. We do not allow banners or standalone signage of any kind on the cover. We will not accept photos that have been altered in any way, including with Instagram filters or images that have altered in Photoshop. Keys Life Magazine is a Family Friendly lifestyle publication and reserves the right to refuse any photo submissions that are discrepant with our commitment to maintaining a family-friendly image in the community.
  4. Additional Photos - Clients provide all imagery for the cover and article. If a cover photo is not available to you, a Keys Life Magazine team member will schedule a meeting and take up to 5 photos using the high-resolution settings of a smartphone for a fee of $150.00. It is our recommendation that you supply as many high-resolution photos as possible.
  5. Deposit & Payment - To reserve the article, the client will provide a 50% deposit at the time of contract signing. The article cannot be reserved until the contract has been signed and the 50% deposit has been received by KLM. The balance due shall be paid by the 1st of the month prior to the month the article is to be published.
  6. Article Content - Our articles are sold in advance, and KLM reserves and prepays the printer for the needed page count; therefore, we do not offer any refunds for an article. If an article must be rescheduled, KLM must be notified in writing, a minimum of 90 days prior to the article being published. If the request to reschedule is between 60 and 90 days of the publish date, there will be a $500.00 fee.


I, authorize Keys Life Magazine (CLEEP Inc) to utilize images and information provided for the purpose of articles and covers to be utilized for internal print and marketing efforts to promote Keys Life Magazine's products and services. Keys Life Magazine will not sell or solicit any contact information obtained in the above-signed agreement. Keys Life Magazine assumes no liability or responsibility for any inaccurate, delayed, or incomplete information, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon. The information contained about each individual, event, or organization has been provided by such individual, event organizers, or organization without verification by Keys Life Magazine. The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Keys Life Magazine (Cleep Inc). Therefore, Keys Life Magazine carries no responsibility for the opinion expressed therein. Comments are welcome on Keys Life Magazine's digital magazine posts, but they should be on-topic and well-expressed. Abusive, antisocial, or off-topic comments will be deleted by web administrators.

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Document name: Keys Life Magazine - Advertorial Contract
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Timestamp Audit
September 17, 2024 5:06 pm ESTKeys Life Magazine - Advertorial Contract Uploaded by Dan McLoughlin - IP